Bhai Taru Singh

Bhai Taru Singh (about 1720–1745) dedicated his life in order to uphold his religion; he preferred to pass away than to abandon it. The monarch, who was a Muslim, wished for everyone to convert to Islam. A Sandhu Jatt family from Puhla village in the Punjabi district of Amritsar in Shaheed Bhai Jodh Singh and Bibi Dharam Kaur were the parents of Bhai Taru Singh. Bhai Taru Singh was reared as a Sikh by his widowed mother, Bibi Dharam Kaur, after his father, Bhai Jodh Singh, had perished in the war when he was born during the reign of the Mughal Empire in Punjab.

Bibi Tar Kaur was the name of his younger sister. He was a devout Sikh who upheld the teachings of the Sikh Gurus, toiled his land carefully, and lived simply. Despite not being wealthy, he was always joyful and did much for his Sikh brothers and sisters despite his lack of wealth.

Everything Bhai Taru Singh was able to preserve, he gave to his Sikh brothers who were being persecuted by Muslims and driven into exile. Akil Das, a Muslim informant from Jandiala who also goes by the moniker Harbhagat Niranjania, spied on Bhai Taru Singh. According to the Prachin Panth Prakash, Zakariya Khan reportedly questioned his warriors, "Where do the Sikhs get their nourishment? They are no longer allowed to work in any capacity. They don't see any taxes. They are not permitted to engage in farming, business, or employment in the public sector. All donations to their gurdwaras, or places of worship, have been halted by me. They cannot obtain any supplies or resources.

There are Sikhs in this world who would not eat until they had nourished their compatriots, said Harbhagat, a sworn enemy of the Sikhs. They may do without food and clothing themselves, but they are unable to tolerate their friends' suffering. They would stay warm during the winter by the fire, sending them their own clothing. They would work themselves thin to grind maize and get it delivered. To earn a meager income for themselves, they would perform the most difficult tasks. To help their brothers who are in exile, they move to far-off areas.

Bhai Taru Singh was imprisoned and subjected to different forms of torture. Bhai Taru Singh's resolve to defend his faith at all costs grew stronger as they tormented him more. Finally, Bhai Taru Singh appeared in front of Zakariya Khan and wished him a Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa and Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. When accused of sedition, he responded, "I cultivate my land and work hard to support myself. I consistently pay my land tax, and the records attest to this. I pay taxes if I conduct business. After our payments, what is left over is for our tummies. We give our brothers what we hold back from our mouths. We give nothing.

The villagers of Bhadhana attempted to use force to set Bhai Taru Singh free as the police group was traveling through the village, but Bhai Taru Singh urged them to stop. Many Sikhs offered to save Bhai Taru Singh and his sister when they were captured. Bhai Taru Singh, however, claimed that he wished to demonstrate to the mughals that Sikhs do not fear death. Bhai Taru Singh agreed to let his sister be saved after being persuaded to the contrary. His sister was able to flee thanks to bribery from Sikhs and other villagers. Despite the fact that his sister was free, Bhai Taru Singh declined to ask for forgiveness. After receiving amrit from Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Bhai Taru Singh Ji was greatly affected by him.

To have Bhai Taru Singh's hair cut, Khan summoned a barber. However, Bhai Taru's hair was as tough as iron when the barbers tried to cut it. I have kept my trust with my hair, Bhai Taru Singh stated. When the barber gave up on trying to trim Bhai Taru Singh's kesh, Zakariya Khan contacted a cobbler and told him to use an ax to hack Bhai Taru Singh's head off. Only Bhai Sahib's recitation of Japji Sahib could be heard during the torture.

Zakariya Khan was reflecting on the day's events that very evening. He unexpectedly discovered he was unable to urinate. He was suffering and believed he was going crazy. All of his medical professionals gave it their all, but nothing changed. When the doctors' attempts proved unsuccessful, Zakariya Khan sent Bhai Subeg Singh to ask the Sikhs for forgiveness. He delivered him to the Dal Khalsa chief. The leader declared, "Zakariya Khan has committed a tremendous sin and is destined to perish before Bhai Taru Singh. He will pass urine if he takes Bhai Taru Singh's shoe and beats himself on the head with it.

Khan was able to urinate after grabbing Bhai Taru Singh's shoe and hitting his head with it. Khan had to hit his head harder and harder every day as the pain sadly returned. The Governor used that shoe to help him survive for 22 days before passing away on July 1st, 1745 AD. When Bhai Taru Singh learned that the Governor had passed away, he surrendered his mortal body.