Things We Should Learn From Sikhism

The Sikh religion is a monotheistic faith and one of the world's youngest major religions. In terms of followers, it is the ninth largest religion in the world, with between 25 and 28 million adherents. The faith, which began at the end of the 15th century CE in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent, is based on Guru Nanak's spiritual teachings as well as those of ten succeeding gurus. There are many values which one can learn from Sikhism. Here are some of them:

Help or Service

In Sikhism, serving is viewed as a form of meditation. If you go to any of the gurudwaras, you will notice that the wealthy are seen cleaning your dirty clothes. Shoe halls, where shoes are stored, are manually lifted and cleaned. All of this selfless service is worship to Waheguru, the Ultimate Father.


Sikhism has numerous instances of sacrifice, each of which serves as an excellent example of devotion. Whether it was Shri Guru Arjun Dev Singh Ji, who died as a martyr on a frying pan, or Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who gave up his father, four children, and mother for the sake of religion.


The ninth of them, Guru Tegh Bahadur, witnessed Mughal state authorities forcibly converting Hindu citizens. Despite the fact that the oppression was directed at a religious group to which he did not belong and in whose values he did not believe, Guru Tegh Bahadur remained steadfast in his support for their right to freely practise religion, and the state retaliated by publicly murdering him. Religion has drawn spiritual guidance from these instances over the years, demonstrating a commitment to justice in a variety of ways. Because they are encouraged to defend the helpless, Sikhs have a history of leading responses to political tyranny.

Self Defense

They always keep a Kirpan for self-defence. This sabre is not meant to harm anyone, but to protect oneself and the weak.

Happy Nature

People of Sikhism are always laughing. No matter how much misfortune comes to them, their face always appears laughing. They are in very happy moods. Not every human has the ability to laugh at himself, but in almost every 'Sardarji' you will see this quality


Everyone, whether a devotee of any faith, a member of the upper or lower castes, wealthy or impoverished, must sit together and share the same prasad. A gurudwara langar is a place where all prejudices dissolve and only humanity can be seen. Because the Gurudwara's langar is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no one goes hungry here. This practise must begin in our sacred places so that everyone can eat.

No faith in Superstitions

Sikhism prohibits believers from believing in good or bad events, dates, or figures. In Sikhism, all days of the week and all numerals are equal; no day or figure is superior to the other. To progress in life, everyone must think like this.

Women are Equal

Women were once thought to be less capable than men, and in some places, this is still the case. Women are only supposed to handle household chores, but Sikh gurus taught that everyone is equal. Everyone should take a lesson from Sikhism and treat everyone equally, regardless of gender.

God can be pleased in simple ways

Sikhism forbids fasting, animal sacrifice, pilgrimages, self-torture, and other similar practises. The only way to impress God and become one with Him is through love. One does not need to perform any rituals or believe in superstitions to obtain God's love. Nobody should slaughter animals in order to please their God.
