What are the key principles of Sikhism?

The core beliefs of Sikh religion can be summarized by three principles. "Kirat Karo" (Earn an honest living). "Naam Japo" (Meditate on God's name). "Vand Ke Shako" (Share your earnings with others). These were taught and exemplified by all ten gurus and are enshrined in the Sikh scripture. Let us try to understand what these three principles are according to the teachings of the gurus.

First principle, Kirt Karo. What does it mean to earn an honest living?

Earning an honest living means to work for what we eat and not beg from others or use unfair or deceitful means to obtain one's livelihood. The Gurus believe that only one who earns an honest living is able to walk the spiritual path. This is the foundation.

"Ghall Khaye kich hathon de nanak raah pachaaney se"

One who works for what he eats and gives some of what he has. He recognizes the true path. The Gurus believed that the spiritual teachers of mankind should themselves earn an honest living with their own hands and not beg from others.

"Gurpir Sadai Mangan Jaye, Taa ke mool na lagiye paaye"

One Who call a himself a spiritual teacher while pegging from others is not worthy of instructing mankind. Guru Nanak worked various jobs to earn an honest living, including as an accountant, trader, and farmer. He was known for his honesty and generous spirit. Earning an honest living makes us fit for the second principle.

Second principle Naam japo. What does it mean to recite God's name?

"Naam japo" means remember God for reciting his name. God's name signifies God's infinite virtues and by reflecting and meditating on God's virtues, the mind is purified. This is done through sacred repetition of the Holy Word by a guru as well as through part recitation of scriptures and Kirtan singing of Holy hymns. Meditation and God's name is the essence of a Sikhs spirituality and is considered the highest spiritual practice.

"Japho taa eko naama Avar Niraafal Kaama"

Beside the one name of God, all rituals are fruitless. Regular meditation is part of a Sikhs daily routine and Sikhs strive to meditate on God's name in the early morning.

"Gur satgur ka jo Sikh akhaaye, so bhalkey uth Har Naam dhiaavey"

The third principle is Vand ke Shako

One who calls himself a Sikh of the true guru shall arise in the morning hours and meditate on God's name. When we meditate on God's name, virtues such as contentment and compassion arise within which leads to the The third principle is "Vand ke Shako". sharing one's time and earnings. Sikhs are recommended to donate 10% of their earnings to charity. This can be for any charitable or Noble cost as well as 10% of their time for meditation. This is called Dasvandh. One prominent way in which this is illustrated is through the institution of Langar community meals. In these community meals, all people are invited and welcomed. It is served by volunteers and all sit on the floor. It is free, of cost, and is often a lifeline for those who are the most disadvantaged members of society. The golden temple in India alone serves 50,000 people daily. And during festivals such as even 100,000 people, every Gurudwara in the world serves Langar at least once a week.

The principle also highlights the importance of service within the Sikh legend "Vich duniya sev kamaiyey Taan dargreh besan paiyey". To selfless service in the world and you will have a place within the court of God. For a Sikh selfless service is a spiritual practice which brings him, her closer to God. It should be done without any thought of reward and as an offering to God.

"Seva Karat hoye neh kaami tis ko hot paraapat swami"

One who performs selfless service without thought of reward shall attain the Lord. These three principles are the foundation of the Sikh religious practice.

What is the purpose of human life according to Sikhism ?

According to Sikh scriptures, the purpose of life is not only to do good deeds and become a good human being, but to attain Union with God.

"Bhaee Parapat Manukh dehuria Gobind Milan Ki eho teri bariya"

We have attained the human life and this is our chance to achieve Union with God. In the Sikhs scripture. The human birth is considered a Secret opportunity. To achieve this life purpose "Is dehi ko simrey dev So dehi bhaj har ki sev" even the gods long for the human body so dedicated to the worship of the Lord and service of the Lord within Sikhism the light of God is seen to be the source of all creation to which we must return. Recognize your own source that's the goal of all spiritual practice within Sikhism, including the three principles, is to merge with the divine light of God today.