Where do Sikhs gather to worship?

The Sikhs place of worship is called the Guru which is derived from the word Guru, the dispeller of darkness and Dwara gate. It means the Gate of the Guru. This is where Sikhs go to learn the teachings of Sikhism. "Gurudwarey hoye Sojhi Payisi" through the Gurudwara The Guru's Gate One obtains understanding and wisdom in the Gurudwara. In the  Gurudwara Sikhs pray and attend services and serve and partake in a community meal called Langar. There are gurdwaras in nearly every major city in the world and almost every village of the Punjab State in India. Some of them are historical, such as Gurudwara, connected to the lives of the Gurus or significant events in Sikhs history. What is the Golden Temple? The Golden Temple in Amritsar.
The Golden Temple has four gates symbolizing that anyone from any religion, cast or country is welcome. The Golden Temple symbolizes many of the principles of Sikhism. The stairs of the temple lead downwards. Contrary to most places of worship in India which symbolizes that to walk the spiritual path and enter the worship place of God, we must humble ourselves. It is unique in that despite being the most Holy place of worship for Sikhs, the foundation was laid by a Muslim Sufi Saint, Sai Miya meer. This symbolizes the Liberal and universal attitude of the Sikh Gurus and their respect for all religions. The Akal Takht or Eternal Throne, is a Gurudwara opposite to the Golden Temple, which symbolizes political authority. This was constructed at an angle such that it is visible from inside the inner hall of the Golden Temple. However, the inner hall of the Golden Temple is not visible from inside. The Akal Takht symbolizing that spirituality is more important than and should guide politics. The concept of Meeri Peeri or worldly and spiritual power together is central to Sikhs teachings and is symbolized by two flags outside of the Akal Takht. The Gurus exemplified this by living the highest spirituality while remaining active in worldly affairs. What is the Sikh Holy Scripture and what does it teach? The Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikh Holy Scripture in every Gurudwara. The Guru Granth Sahib is enthroned in the worship hall to signify its status as the living guru of the Sikhs. The Guru Grand Sahib teaches the pathway to God and the principles for living a successful life in both a worldly and spiritual sense. Although it contains themes that are found in other religions as well, it is a unique revelation which is the wisdom of God as revealed to the Gurus.

Satgur ki baani Sat Sat Kar Jaano Gursikho(Recognize Gurbani as true, O the Guru's Sikhs) Har Karta Aap Muhon Kadhaye (It is a direct revelation from God).

It is written in poetry and meant to be sung in specific musical scales called drums. Some key teachings are the oneness of God, the equality of mankind, including men and women, all religions and all guests. The importance of meditation on God's name, charity, the emptiness of religious rituals and the harmony of all religions. Despite being completed over 300 years ago, Guru Granth Sahib is rare in that noverse or teaching within it contradicts science. Before there was scientific proof, it stated that there are millions of planets and the universe is infinite.  There are infinite worlds above and infinite worlds below. Guru Granth I've also described the diversity of species on the Earth and States that there are eight 4 million incarnations on life forms .The Guru Granth Sahib is unique in that while it is a scripture of the Sikh religion, it contains the writings of Saints from other faith traditions as well, including Hinduism and Islam. These writings were collected by the Gurus and are equally respected by Sikhs as being the revelation of God. The Sikh Gurus believe that anyone from any faith background can reach God through devotion and sincere faith. This universal spirit is reflected in the Guru Granth Sahib. The first form of the Guru Granth Sahib, Adi Granth, was compiled by the fifth Guru, Guru, Arjun Dev ji, in 16 104. It was completed with additional hymns and given its current form by the 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji in 1704. In 1708, before leaving the world, Guru Gobind Singh ji declared the Guru Granth Sahib as the final and eternal Guru of the Sikhs.

What role does the Guru Granth Sahib have in a Sikhs life and in the Gurudwara for a Sikh Gurbani?

Guru's work from the Guru Granth Sahib is the basis of a successful life. It is a Sikhs guide throughout life and reveals the purpose of life. The word Gurbani is the spiritual guide and the spiritual guide is the Gurbani. Within Gurbani, the embroocal nectar is contained. Through it, all customs of life, including birth, marriage and death are performed. Sikhs believe that listening to it with devotion relieves one of all anxiety and establishes a connection with God.

"Dhur Ki Baani ayi Tin sagli chint mitaayi"

The Guru's word arose from the source and release all anxiety during a service in the Gurudwara. A passage from the Guru Granth Sahib is read and is considered as the order of the Guru Also called "Hukamnama". A Sikh is expected to understand and reflect upon its teaching in most Gurudwara, the Punjabi language and the script of the Guru Granth Sahib Gurumukhi is also taught outside of the Gurudwara. The Nishan Sahib was sacred light of the Sikhs is flown. All Gurudwaras are run through several selfless service into nations and the mission is to understand and advance the universal teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib.