What are the five keys? and What is their significance?

The most visible sign of an observant Sikh is the turban beard and Uncut hair. These are kept for religious reasons. The hair is one of five symbols or kakars, which all initiated Sikhs keep. The five kakars are cash, Uncut hair. Kara steel bracelet. Kanga comb. Kirpan ceremonial dagger and Kachera means undershots. Each Kakar has spiritual significance for a Sikh. The Kesh symbolize acceptance of God's will and living a simple life. The Kara is a symbol of restraint. It is worn on the wrist and reminds the Sikh to keep pure conduct and not to do anything that would bring him her shame. The kirpan symbolizes the duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves and to always stand up to injustice. The Kachera symbolizes chastity and living a pure, sin free life. The Kanga symbolizes neatness and taking care of the hair.

How did this come to be part of the Sikh religion?

The 10th guru, guru Gobind Singh, saw the situation of the common people of India. They were being forced to give up their religion and convert to Islam. In addition, the high caste within Hinduism oppressed the lower castes and prevented them from achieving economic progress and participating in religious life. Seeing this, the guru sought to combat both religious extremism as well as social inequality. He sought to unite all into a universal Brotherhood. He called a gathering of all Sikhs in 1699 during Vaisakhi , the annual harvest festival. During this gathering, he initiated the first five Sikhs panj piare as the Kalsa, the pure ones. This initiation is called Kande di pahul baptism by the Ford. In this baptism, everyone, no matter what their religion or caste, drinks from the same vessel symbolizing the equality of mankind. The Khalsa were given the discipline of the five Kakar and were organized as a military force to fight the oppression of the Mughal Empire. In addition, during those times, it was said that only the nobility, the ruling class, could wear turbans. In defiance of these orders, the guru stated that all of his followers will wear a turban, symbolizing their dignity and self respect. The guru gave the Kalsa both his spiritual and political authority and stated that the Kalsa is his very image and that he resides within the Kalsa.

"Khalsa Mero Roop hai khaas Khalse mein hoan karon nivass"

The Kalsa is my very image. I dwell within the Kalsa. For the Sikhs these symbols are the very image of the guru and have spiritual significance. Over the last 300 years, the Kalsa has fought against depression of not only the Mughal Empire, but countless unjust rulers, including the British Empire. The Kalsa has a social duty to stand up against oppression. The guru taught that the Kalsa is known for their discipline and unique lifestyle.

What is the symbol of Sikhism? and Why is the sword given importance?

The sword is not a symbol of violence or conquest within Sikhism. The 10th guru made it clear that only when all other means of negotiation and peacemaking have failed, it is righteous to pick up the song. It is only to be used in self defense and in defense of the oppressed.

"chun kar az Hameh heelate dar guzasht halal ast burdan bi-shamsheer dast"

All has been tried, yet justice is not inside. It is then right to pick up the soul. The symbol of Sikhism. The Khanda also represents these principles. The double edged sword in the center symbolizes cutting falsehood from truth. The circle around the central sword is the chakra the circle having neither a beginning or end symbolizes the infinite nature of God. The two swords on both sides symbolize the concept of Meeri Peeri spiritual and worldly life together. In this way, the symbols of the Sikhs religion illustrates its ideals.